Sunday, July 16, 2006

Jack's Favourite Radio Station

Alison went to the beach with Krista and Keith today and they stopped at a second-hand store, where she found this great pair of headphones that are a radio for like twenty-five cents. Perfect for rollerskating. We tried them out and the station we picked up best was a brand new one that never existed before. Z103 (with the 'z' pronounced the American way, I guess so it rhymes) — The Beat! It's all dance/hip-hop music so we probably won't be listening to it very much, but we had a good time dancing around with those headphones on and saying, "This is the beat, man!"

If you click back and forth between these two photos on the camera it makes a pretty cool animation.

Dig the Elaine Benice thumbs-up.

I swear I didn't know I was making this face. A scary thought.

Otherwise, this weekend was up and down as I had to spend about five hours at work yesterday putting together a proposal for some new business which I know we definitely won't be getting, but then sat out in the sun in our backyard this afternoon and wrote a whole new song for the first time in I don't know how long. Plus there was some very fun softball and I actually finished that horrible sudoku.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

Yay! You finished the Sudoku. Is that the EVIL one?
PEI is still on. We will have to chat about it. you and Ali could stay at the cottage in (Summerside?) Maybe Dad and I will flyo Halifax and drive. Who knows? Chooo\ch will have surgery on the 1st of Aug. The party is on Akug. 26th at Dalvay by the sea ( check on the internet to see where it is.)
Will try to call you (maybe tomorrow)

Love, Mum

St. Louis Family said...

That sure is a fun set of photos! I missed reading your blog while we were camping, but had a great time anyway!


Andrew said...

Thanks, Dane. I'm glad you were able to have fun.

- Andrew