Thursday, July 20, 2006

Blessed with Too Much to Do

Lately I've been feeling like I'm slowly getting more and more behind on the various things that are waiting for me to do them, and it's been kind of weighing on me. I'm trying to just do one thing at a time, and not think about the other things, but the "to do" pile seems to grow faster than I can shrink it. (In case you're wondering, writing a blog post is NOT one of the things on the list.)

But today was a really beautiful day and I got a lot accomplished at work and we just got back from a really great yoga class, so now I feel pretty hopeful about things. Alison is right now packing for her trip to Saskatchewan via Toronto tomorrow morning. She'll be gone for a week, which is a big bummer, but my plan is to get all sorts of crap done without the annoying distraction of a cute friend with whom I always want to do fun things.

Today, for instance, I rode home for lunch so we could eat it in the backyard. Sure, it was a nice meal of salted string beans and various Mediterranean salads under a bright warm sun, with a gentle breeze and birds singing in the trees; and granted, there was a New York Times crossword puzzle thrown in to sweeten the pot; but... uh, actually I forget where I was going with this... something about the toilet not cleaning itself.

Also since the last post, our friend and my coworker, Meg, got back from her two week vacation in Japan and brought us all sorts of nice exotic gifts. Right now I'm eating some Pocky that is "Men's" flavour, which means that it's dark chocolate instead of the regular kind. Kooky. It sure is good to have Meg back at work and in our lives. I can't help but feel we would have won at least one of our softball games last weekend if she'd been there. There is only one Meg®.

Finally, I got to have a nice visit with my old friend Al the other night. He's been living out of town for quite some time, and has gone through some pretty hard times, the details of which I'm mostly in the dark about, but he's going to be moving back to Halifax in September. I'm looking forward to having him around and catching up with his crazy life. Also, meeting his by all accounts adorable little daughter.

And now to bed so I can get up insanely early with my cute distraction.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

Isn't it great having a backyard? I spend many enjoyable hours in mine. Even working in the gardens is fun cuz I get to be out with flowers, birds, butterflies and even a rabbit.

St. Louis Family said...

Good to hear all that you're up to...I didn't know Ali's going to Saskatchewan...what for? I'll never finish everything I need to get done and I'm always afraid the list of things will fall out of my brain so I've got daily, weekly, monthly lists left all over the place...if only I could find them all!