Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No Bloggy-Bloggy

Due to busy schedules which would be considered insane in some parts of the world, there's been precious little time for bloggage these days. Sorry. Whaddayagonnado?

We've been painting and moving into our new place. It's a lot of work and is taking a frightening amount of time. It'll be worth it though — the place is looking great. I mowed our new back lawn the other day, too. Now I just need to buy a rake so I can clear away what was knee-high grass and is now piles of mulch. I'm going yuppie and I'm going all the way!

Work is also nutso freak-out these days, what with a huge new account and one of the designers on vacation for two weeks, only to come back and get sick for another two weeks. I'm starting to lose it a little bit. Yoga helps a lot, but we had our last class until mid-July last night.

That Serena Maneesh album I was telling you about back in January finally came out domestically, so I bought it and got excited about them all over again. Here's another track, to hopefully make up for my cyber-silence.

- Andrew

1 comment:

St. Louis Family said...

Please post "after" pictures when you're done painting...I'd love to see! I bet you're loving your backyard!