Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Heartfelt Apology

I'm sorry, blog, that I've been ignoring you so much lately. I guess I just haven't felt much like writing at length about the details of my life recently. Everything seems either too important or too unimportant to be material for your entertainment. I wish I had some nice little pithy stories to tell you.

And, OK, if we're being completely honest here, I've also become involved with another website. I know you've probably heard the rumours, so let's just get it out in the open. Yes, it is Facebook. Does that make you feel redeemed? Is there a kernel of enjoyment now in your disappointment, because my betrayal is so predictable and pathetic that it makes you morally superior? Well, good. I'm glad that something nice can come out of this for you.

Aw geez... This is meant to be an apology, and here I am already getting defensively bitter. I'm sorry. In all sincerity, I really do want only the best for you. And I'd like to continue giving you the best of me, if you'll have it. I just might not be able to devote as much time to you as I used to.

I don't actually know how long this thing with Facebook is going to last, but it's something I have to pursue. I can have the lightest of general conversations or the most in-depth one-on-one discussions. Either way, there's a give-and-take there that I feel like I need now. And that's just not something you've ever been able to offer me. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly, but I think you deserve the truth.

Look, I'm not accusing you of selfishness here — I honestly value your passive nature. I know that I have a tendency to talk at you at length, while you're expected to sit there and listen politely. Believe me, I'm grateful. When I think of all the times you've gotten up in the middle of the night, never complaining, just to hear me hold forth on whatever stupid stream of consciousness has seemed important to me at the time, well...

You've been a great sounding board and guardian of my thought process. I will never forget that. And if my hope that we might even continue such a relationship on a less frequent basis strikes you as unforgivably presumptuous, please understand that it is only a testament to your unswerving generosity and goodness.

OK, gotta run for now. But we're good here, right? There are some funny cat videos I have to go and look at, but thanks, as always, for your sympathetic ear.

Much love, Andrew.


Anonymous said...

Yikes, no comments yet. Everyone must be looking at Facebook!

Alison said...

I may have to start blogging again!

Alison said...

Andrew said...

Ha ha! Good one. Like!

St. Louis Family said...

Bwahaha. You are into facebook in a big way too! You are one of those people who posts multiple times in a day! I forgot all about these blogs (yours and mine and all the others I used to regularly check as part of my daily routine) and just saw that I haven't posted to mine since February!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the Blog knows that you will be back. The Blog understands. xo

Carol Anne