Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Sick of Being Sick

So, after I got over that 2-day flu, I caught a cold almost immediately. It's taking its time to get lost, too, sneaking around into different locations every day so I can't get a good shot at it. Today it was my right eye, and it's not pretty, I tell ya. I am literally a sight for sore eyes. No, wait, that's supposed to be a good thing, isn't it?

Anyway, I guess maybe I've been a little too busy working and meeting with folks and attending birthdays... Why do I know so many Aquarii, anyway? There are some exciting projects and possibilities in the works, including still the musical one I was telling you about a few posts ago, but mostly I can't really talk about them here. So if you could just be ready to be excited at any given moment, that'd be great. Thanks.

There hasn't even been much time for reading or movie-watching. Last Tuesday I did go to see A Dangerous Method with Alison. It's a really boring period piece about the relationship between Jung and Freud, in which the two never say anything that anyone with the most cursory knowledge of their theories wouldn't expect. Keira Knightly hams it up as Sabina Spielrein, an unfortunately hilarious mental patient of Jung's. Otherwise, there's nothing to see. David Cronenberg directed it, but nobody's head blows up, and nothing turns into a bug. Not even in a dream sequence. In fact, there are no dream sequences — just dry descriptions of dreams and long-winded guesses about what they could "mean." Come on!

I also saw Shame last night with Amber. Another psychological drama with only one female and two male characters, but this one was miles better. It's a study of individual sex addiction in a sexually addictive culture, as well as a compassionate portrait of a brother and sister with an unspoken incestuous relationship. Heavy stuff, in other words, and at times it teeters towards heavy-handed, but mostly it's quiet and suggestive and compelling. Check it out, but maybe not on a first date.


Anonymous said...

a sore eye for sight, indeed. poor thing!

Anonymous said...

What happens if you use red eye reduction on that photo? Just curious. Feel better.


Andrew said...

Ha ha! I don't know. It's not actually a picture of me — I just found it on the internet. But maybe I could somehow apply the red eye reduction filter in real life. And Gaussian blur the bags under my eyes, while I'm at it.

I actually am feeling much better today. Thanks.