Monday, January 31, 2011

Civic Pride

Nothing much to see here. We are good. Winter's doing its thing. Alison's been taking some yoga classes. I'm teaching my old friend Alain how to play guitar. On Wednesday I'm going to a private high school's career fair to talk to some kids about how to be a graphic designer (drop out of school, get your friends to show you how to do graphic design, charge outrageous amounts to stay home and sit in front of a computer in your pajamas). The Lodge has a rare show coming up next week.

And there's been skating. That's probably the most exciting thing. The city built a huge speed skating oval on the Commons for the Canada Winter Games, and the public is allowed to use it until the competitions start. For free! And they even have skates for you to borrow. Modern skates. For free!

I had this idea that I'm a terrible skater and should probably never try it again, from having gone out a few years ago with my friend Meg and a rusty old pair of skates I bought from someone on Kijiji for five bucks or something. It was a painful and humiliating time — no fun at all. I remembered that I was never very good at it as a kid, and convinced myself that I was even worse at it as an adult.

But everyone on the Commons looked like they were having such fun, and there was such a huge range of ability going on, that I just had to try again. And I'm so glad I did, because it turns out having a decent pair of skates makes all the difference. Alison and I both skated around and around in the windless snow for an hour or so with Meg and a couple of her friends, to the blaring music of a local radio station that I would normally despise, but somehow it seemed just fine that night. Then we had some hot chocolate and a greasy, sugary thing called a "Beaver Tail."

I wish I had footage of the actual experience to show you, because you'd see both of us holding hands, wobbling around, and grinning goofily like a couple of little kids. But I don't. This is pretty much what the scene looks like, though. Sometimes I think this city's pretty great.


Anonymous said...

I haven't looked at any blogs in ages. Enjoyed reading about what yer up to. See. Andrew, you found a winter sport that sounds like fun and costs nothing! How good is that. Wish you'd had real footage of you guys but I can sure imagine.


EJ said...

Sounds really fun And. We just took the kids out skating today. They flood some of the basketball courts here in Stouffville and anyone is welcome on the ice.