Monday, September 20, 2010

Tweet! Tweet!

It feels like I've been shirking my duties here. I haven't really been keeping people very up to date about what's goes on in our daily lives over here, which is ostensibly the purpose of this blog. Although, face it, if I didn't enjoy the occasional opinionated rant so much, I'd probably just get on Twitter and chirp into the void every few minutes.

Well, luckily, I've been doing this writing exercise for 32 days now where every morning I spend a few minutes writing down ten images from the day before. Anything that forces its way into my recall is fine, as long as it's vivid. So now you can enjoy some random subjective details from a month in my life all in one sitting, with no annoying alert sounds or windows popping up every few minutes.

8/18 Someone's job is to dance in a chicken costume outside the Oasis bar.

8/19 Tough looking dog lying on the sidewalk — I whispered, "Hey, cutie," before I realized there was a woman sitting on the steps beside it.

8/20 The woman's face as she pulled into the empty parking space and suddenly saw that I was standing in it

8/21 Buster ran up and down the stairs, meowing constantly when we got home.

8/22 The legless guy in a wheelchair collecting cans

8/23 Alison so mad to find the Sears Christmas Wish Book in the mail

8/24 I saw a guy I don't know very well in HMV, and he saw me, and we both pretended not to notice each other.

8/25 Indian woman sitting alone behind the counter in the dark corner store, her head covered and face expressionless

8/26 Two crows flying low together across the street

8/27 Meg and Glen sitting behind their computer monitors, facing me but not noticing I was there

8/28 Buster walked out of the kitchen and threw up.

8/29 The jade colour of the breaking waves at Clam Harbour

8/30 Two young kids were running the corner store, one telling the other what to punch in on the register.

8/31 The ribs of an old lady in a bikini trying to climb out of the water through the rocks and undertow

9/01 Alison's, Krista's, and Jesse's heads bobbing on the surface of the lake

9/02 The crossing guard looked happy to be back.

9/03 The waves at Lawrencetown were so high, but you could always just see the tops of bigger ones behind them.

9/04 About 25 small birds flying past the car as we went over the bridge

9/05 Tiny wedding party on a tiny yard in Prospect, watching our car

9/06 View from the outhouse with no roof

9/07 CBC News billboards ripped up by the storm

9/08 Crossword puzzle and Destroyer with our dinner

9/09 The mailbox spider and her web are gone.

9/10 Smashed up car in the intersection had its airbag inflated.

9/11 Chucky the squirrel was yelling at our next door neighbour because she hadn't given him any peanuts.

9/12 Guy across the street peering out his bathroom window at me

9/13 My closet looked bare after I gave a couple of shirts away to charity.

9/14 The school playground full of talking kids in the morning

9/15 The rain splatted on the leaves before it turned into a torrent.

9/16 The mailbox spider, back with a new web under the streetlight.

9/17 Girl at the rock show had a tattoo across her entire back that looked like the random doodling you do when you're talking on the phone.

9/18 A parade of nothing but Shriners stopped all traffic in the downtown core.

9/19 A high-hit ball came straight to me in right field.

And now you're all caught up!


St. Louis Family said...

I LOVE this! I love the idea of it and I love what you've written and I love reading it like poetry and I love that you wait until the next day so that you've got a bit of perspective and the image is still strong. LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew,

I really liked this too, especially the ones about Buster.

talk to you soon,