Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some Good News

Hey, guess what? Sherman Hines paid me the money he owed me! Or, rather, he paid the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Workforce Development, Labour Standards Division, and they paid me. Big thanks to Sandra McDougall, Labour Standards Officer, who took on the complaint and extracted a settlement.

Otherwise, news around here has been all Christmas gatherings and shows. Al Tuck played last Friday with the band that recorded Brave Last Days with him, i.e. Tracy Stevens, Brock Caldwell, and Charles Austin. It was a very special show at Tribeca. Sounded great, everyone had a good time, and there were lots of familiar faces there, including some out-of-towners. That's one nice thing about Christmastime — catching up with the expats.

The Lodge also played a show on the weekend, at the Paragon. It was a benefit for kids at the IWK hospital, and I was happy to see a pretty good turnout for a cold Sunday night. Nice intimate atmosphere in that place. This show went a heck of a lot better than our last one there. In fact, we were pretty darn good, if I may say so.

Speaking of which, our album, Take That, Devil showed up yesterday in the number two spot on Herohill's top five local recordings of the year. We were beat out only by Joel Plaskett, whose recording was a very ambitious triple album. Not too shabby! Guess it's time to put together my own top ten list...


Jono said...

Great news about the settlement - and just in time for the holidays too.

reminiscethis said...

You know, I blame you for the corporate takeover of twitter.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Andrew on the success of your album. That's pretty exciting. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Good news, Andrew....say Hi to Al for me!

Dave C