Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boy, Was That the Right Decision

It seems someone else is having trouble getting back payment out of Sherman Hines. Sounds like it's a lot more money than what he owes me, but it also sounds like he hasn't said outright in their case that he's not going to pay them. I hope that means they'll eventually get what they're owed. [Oops. I stand corrected. See her Oct. 16 post.] I've got the government working on my case, so I figure sometime within the decade I'll see my three hundred bucks.


St. Louis Family said...

Wow! I read through their blog a little and they refer to you and your blog!! That's a bummer...hope you get your moola!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad you made the decision to get out of there while you could. Just think of how much you could have lost. Good instincts.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know it was so much!


Jono said...

Glad to hear that there's someone working on your case. We'll definitely keep following to see what happens. Keep the faith. Three hundred bucks is three hundred bucks.