Saturday, August 26, 2006

Coming Soon...

I'm setting up a web gallery for my friends and family just for photos (on flickr). I'll send you all invites when we get back from the cottage! This photo is from my Saskatchewan trip. It's somewhere near Hepburn, SK, just outside of Saskatoon. Check out the bullet holes in the close-up!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Brief and Random Update

We're still here. Don't ask me why it's been so long since my last post, because I'm as in the dark as you. Last thing I remember there was some kind of carnival or parade, possibly involving garishly dressed old ladies, and then everything is a blur. "Where does the time go?" has become a cliché question, the answer to which is always simply, "Into the past, as is its nature," but I am not unsympathetic to the impulse that produces it.

So, plenty of stuff has happened in the weeks since my last post, but nothing that really stands out as a mind-blowing episode that must be told. There's been lots of time-consuming freelance work and even more infuriatingly unnecessary work-work, and there've also been plenty of barbecues, tennis, softball, and other pleasant social occasions. Last night, we went to see three bands perform on the tall ship, Silva, which sailed — or rather, motored — peacefully up and down the Halifax Harbour while the Haligonian indie rock cognoscenti danced and willed the rain away with impeccable beats and positive vibes. I'm sure you can read about it on Halifax Locals and possibly even see some pictures, if you're interested.

What else? I dunno. Man, this summer if flying by! Has anyone seen Mars? It IS fairly spectacular, though not quite the size of a full moon! We should get a good view of it, and, I'm hoping, some meteor showers, at the cottage next week. We leave Saturday morning for a week-long stay with our good but now rarely seen friends, Charles and Kelly, and their two sweet little girls. I can't wait. I feel like I really need this vacation, even though it really hasn't been so long since I had one. But I've been longing for some nature. We haven't even gone camping once this summer; I can't believe it. I think we'll try to fit a trip in on the weekend that the Stones Roll into Halifax. They're playing this huge whoop-dee-doo outdoor concert on the Commons right behind our house and everyone in the city is pretty much peeing their pants about it. I like the Rolling Stones as much as the next guy, and thought they were great in their prime, but those days are long, long ago now, and I have no interest in watching them and thousands of boneheads try to pretend otherwise. There are also a whole lot of other big events going on the same weekend — someone on city council needs a day-planner for Christmas — such as an exhibition NHL game "starring" Sidney Crosby, and it seems just plain sensible to hit the road for a couple of days until the yahooisme dies down.

One other very important piece of news: my Buddha Machine™ has come in. I'll be picking it up at the post office tomorrow, and will of course fill you in on the extent and varieties of its awesomeness.

That's all I got for now. I will TRY very hard to post more frequently. I beg myself for forgiveness.

- Andrew

Monday, August 07, 2006

Natal Day Weekend

I hope everyone had as nice a long weekend as we did. Pool (billiards), tennis, biking, fireworks, working on the yard, putting a screen in the sun room, enjoying the yard through the open window with Buster, barbecues, discovering a whole season of Curb Your Enthusiasm that we'd never seen, and then today... a parade! Happy birthday, Halifax! Ali took lots of pix and I recorded some sound. I wanted to put them together into a slideshow for you, but it's too complicated. You'll just have to imagine it. And in case you can't make it out, Alison laughs and says, "The mayor ran by and threw candies at me." It's true — piles of them. I'm eating one right now.

- Andrew

A disappointing "most original" float. Just some vegetables randomly thrown around, really.

I've seen these old ladies dressed in purple and red every now and then, and never knew what was going on. I guess I still don't really understand. But these ones are from Lake Echo!

I wish I'd recorded the horrible sound this balloon made as it was dragged along for about two minutes before it finally busted.

Amnesty International's entry. Death, Disappearance, and Torture. Maybe a bit of a downer for a parade? I'm just saying...

Seems kind of mean to make your kids wave out the window of a car celebrating nerds.

The Blue Velvet re-enactment club.